I was recently cast in a 4 day shoot for a casino on the border of Oklahoma and Arkansas. This was a job that I tentatively submitted for because of the time commitment - 4 days! - and the timing - it started shooting on Reed's 7th birthday. 
I submitted, knowing that it was likely I wouldn't get it but the pay was good and I thought, if I get cast then I'll worry about the logistics. The casting call came out well in advance, I think it was about a month away from the shoot date and with it being so far in the future it seemed like something I shouldn't stress about.

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Connie D FranklinComment
Connie, check yourself.

I have a story for you. This one is a bit harder to tell. In order to tell it, I'm really opening up. I've mentioned judgement before but in order for me to accurately and honestly tell this story- I'll be making myself very vulnerable. 

This story is about me setting my heart on something and getting it broken. And I know all the things you're going to say, the mind knows the logic.The mind knows the reality but the hearts wants what it wants. 

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Always be yourself. Unless you're acting. Then be your character, 100%

The title of this blog sounds a little jokey. But, if you'll hang in there with me what I really want to explain is how important it is to know who you are and what you want out of this business, because it's a tricky one and there's a lot on the line.

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a model and an actress. Other girls wanted to be ballerinas, teachers, veterinarians, some little girls want to grow up to be the president of the United States (weirdos). I wanted to be in movies, magazines, billboards. I wanted the red carpet.

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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Big Things Come in Small Packages. Not that I'm super small, but I would at least say relatively, and I assure you there are big things inside me. Big dreams. Big ideas. Big determination. Big attitude sometimes. Actually, big head too I've been told, but that's neither here nor there since it's on the outside... actually I think if it's referring to ego it counts as inside. Dammit.

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One Minute Movie Star

From the invitation to audition, to the audition and filming and... well, if you want to know the story about my movie debut- here it is. What you might find interesting about this blog, is that I started writing it in February of 2016 and kept it all to myself for about 10 months. Each step along the way is written authentically with emotions that I was going through at the time. We were asked not to talk publicly about the movie until the trailer release, so I honored that and kept this journal which is why it's so incredibly long!

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Get Honor.

I love showing up to a new job where I haven't met anyone yet. There's a very specific energy about it. Its like... arriving to a job interview kind of, because you've never been there before, you haven't met the hiring managers before, you're trying to make a good impression and you know that they're in an environment they're comfortable in- so as you arrive they're taking in everything about you. 

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You know what they say about Honor.

Some day I will learn to reduce my self doubt and just embrace all the positives land in front of me. Sometimes I feel like I'm not proactive enough to keep my momentum in modeling and acting going so I amp up my networking, reach out to my connections, submit to casting calls that I feel are a long shot and the like. Because if you knock on enough doors, some of them are bound to open.

"If you knock on enough doors, some of them are bound to open"

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Not a Surprise Party, Just a Party Surprise

LIBERTE doesn't do a lot of print advertisements with magazines, but there have been a few. I've appeared in ads in SPLURGE in the spring and now a new publication in the area.  LUXIERE Magazine, is a new magazine that is distributed in the region to, basically, high income homes. Danielle wrote a nice article for the first issue, featuring local steakhouse Broadway 10, and she's helped style multiple shoots including the cover photo of Valerie Naifeh and the Maserati Women of Influence Campaign images. 

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